Manthan Society

Manthan Society



d 12 purushottam vihar , gole ka mandir, Gwalior, India - 474005

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About Manthan Society in d 12 purushottam vihar , gole ka mandir, Gwalior

"India is a country of contrasts! The country has as many as 53 billionaires; the fourth highest in the world. But the same country has over 3 million children living on the streets.

Well, as cliche'ed it might come across to you but without basic education, thinking about India as a developed country would remain a thought. We, as educated privileged students of this nation, can help those who are in need of this basic indispensable requirement. Its time we convert out talks to some action.

Teach people without discrimination of age, gender or caste or any other that would come in your mind.

Join us !! Be a part of this all student group, who could not just sit and watch the future of this country and its countrymen going down the drain and decided to do something about it. We educate them irrespective of any barrier and we would hope your helping hand can just strengthen the pillar!!

There is no registration fees, we need your commitment !!
Also, those who are already trying to help the un-educated sector can share their experiences with us and we can promote their valuable deeds by out blog!! Or, as a better option join us and we will expand and try to reach as many villages as possible
"India is a huge country.. with a huger mountain of illiteracy, and together we can flatten it" Cheers!!

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